Over the past 60-70 years, aeronautical studies have been amongst the most exciting areas of study offered anywhere. The opportunity to work in an industry that includes the space program or the next generation of aerospace technology is considered a very prestigious endeavor. The field is very competitive and securing a top level education is…
What Are The Top Journalism Schools In The U.S.?
As high school seniors start their search for the right destination in order to continue their undergraduate education, students interested in journalism have many difficult decisions to make. The journalism field tends to be small and selective. There is a direct correlation between the best job opportunities upon graduation from college and the best colleges….
What Are The Top Computer Science Schools In The U.S.?
Many top level universities throughout the country have excellent Computer Science programs. However, there are a few that have developed world renowned programs that create advantages for graduates seeking employment. These are the 10 best computer science colleges. The admission standards are very high and the names rank amongst the most recognized in the business…
What’s The Most Poisonous Spider In The World?
One of the most well-adapted and ecologically important creatures in the world, the spider is a fiendish carnivore through and through. Like a vampire, it has puncturing fangs which it uses to inject venom into its prey, swiftly paralyzing or annihilating victims to ensure itself a hearty lunch. Almost all spiders are venomous, but most…
What Are The Most Dangerous Dog Breeds?
What makes a dangerous dog? Aggression? Ability to cause serious injury or death? There are many ways to define dangerous dog breeds. One of the most conventional methods is to examine bite fatality statistics. Doing so implicates large, powerful dogs like German Shepherds and Rottweilers. With their larger bodies, big dogs indeed have bigger bites…
What Is The Ring Around The Rosie Meaning?
Many people can fondly remember a time in childhood where all the kids were gathered to enjoy the game “Ring Around the Rosie” named after the nursery rhyme by the same name. The fun always climaxed with all the kids happily collapsing to the ground as they sang the last line, “We All Fall Down.”…
What’s The Most Dangerous City In The World in 2014?
With heated conflicts raging on every continent, a thriving global arms trade, and numerous terrorist groups active around the planet, today’s world is more violent than it’s ever been. Much of the escalating violence of modern times plays out in cities, where population density collides with war, poverty, crime, drug violence and gang warfare. Every…
Why Were The Pyramids Built?
More than any other artifact, the great pyramids of Egypt tell the story of one of the most extraordinary civilizations to have flourished in human history. Seemingly indestructible, brilliant and massive, they were known to the ancients as one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and are still known as such to this day….
Did Early European Explorers Really Give Native Americans Smallpox-Infected Blankets?
If asked the question, Did Early European Explorers Really Give Native Americans Smallpox-Infected Blankets?, most people would find the question to be ridiculous. However, it may not be so far fetched. Whether is actually happened or not is opened to debate, but there is sufficient evidence to show that the exact act was contemplated as…
Why Does Swiss Cheese Have Holes?
Why does Swiss cheese have holes? It has holes for the same reason soda is carbonated, bread rises, and beer is fizzy: carbon dioxide. The distinctive oval holes in Swiss cheese, about the size of a cherry, are called ‘eyes.’ They typically measure 1 to 3 centimeters across. The eyes are a byproduct of the…